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It’s a sad commentary on life today, but we all realize that as school leaders we must take steps to insure that our school buildings, staff, and students are safe.  Yet, we can not accept a fortress mentality either.  This session introduces your teachers to the elements of personal and school safety that they can put to use immediately. 

Sure, we would all prefer to focus on teaching kids and helping them to find success in their lives.  At the same time, we want to enjoy our careers, interests, and families.  But, we need to reserve a spot in our brains for potential dangers that exist to us personally and to our schools.  Safety is a mindset of habits and good sense, in addition to checklists and reminders.  This session will review threats that exist to you personally (awareness, environment, public spaces, cars, airports, digital, etc.), to your schools (classrooms, hallways, lockdowns, evacuations, bombs, shooters), and what you can do to avoid and/or deal with these situations.  In addition, the elements of a positive school culture will be reviewed and action plans compared.

 At the conclusion of this session participants will understand the different threats that can be encountered both in their personal lives and at school, will have reviewed their unique situation, and action plans created.  In addition, we will explore the elements of a positive school culture, it’s impact on safety, and develop action plans and next steps for specific elements that can improve the school environment.
















Jeff Garelik